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There is something really ugly and unfortunate coming down the road that the disciples of the Social Justice faith, in their blind dogmatic zeal and their desire to install their program regardless of any possible consequences, will deny and refuse to see or admit: how can we trust the skill or competence of any professional in an "under-represented group" going forward?

If you see a professional from one of the protected victim classes (most esp a doctor) who's under age, say, 30 or so, how will you know they haven't been awarded their position because of "Diversity" instead of excellence? Of course even asking this will be met with an avalanche of bigotry accusations, but how can you claim both that standards need to be lowered for certain groups and then that noticing lowered standards is ugly and bigoted?

I guess to ask the question is to answer it: any adverse consequences will be denounced as "Racist!" as this is the reigning response of our time to anyone who states an unapproved thought, esp when that thought contradicts the sacred egalitarian mission of our Left clerisy.

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