In the midst of crisis after crisis many people become blinkered on the historical events that shaped our freedoms today. The propaganda machine is so powerful across all media platforms that it can reorient people’s thought patterns so they perceive every crisis as an existential threat thus become terrified and paralysed believing that when Governments remove our rights it is done for security reasons. These people who so easily give up their rights for an illusion of security deserve neither rights or security. The challenge for those with the courage to stand against Government overreach is to wake up these subservient citizens before it is too late. All credit and respect to platforms like Pluribus who stand against the onslaught of tyranny by trying to wake up more people!
In the midst of crisis after crisis many people become blinkered on the historical events that shaped our freedoms today. The propaganda machine is so powerful across all media platforms that it can reorient people’s thought patterns so they perceive every crisis as an existential threat thus become terrified and paralysed believing that when Governments remove our rights it is done for security reasons. These people who so easily give up their rights for an illusion of security deserve neither rights or security. The challenge for those with the courage to stand against Government overreach is to wake up these subservient citizens before it is too late. All credit and respect to platforms like Pluribus who stand against the onslaught of tyranny by trying to wake up more people!